Generate reports

Task:  Generate reports  

Open the software Package

Open the exiting database

Create new report

Add suitable field

Select or define correct report layout

Heading and footer Change as per requirement

Preview report

Ensure that errors are detected and corrected before printing

Print the reports

Creating a Report Based on a Table
One of the easiest ways to create a report is using a table as the source of the report. For example, in our bookstore scenario we have a table that lists all of the books in our inventory. We want to create a Book Price List report that lists all of the details for each book in our store's inventory. The Report command makes this incredibly easy, as it automatically includes every field in the source table in the report.

To Create a Report Based on a Table using the Report Command

1.       To create a report based on a table using the Report command:
2.       Choose the table you wish to use as the source of your report. To do that, you can either open the table, or just highlight the table name in the Navigation Pane. In our example, we used the open Books table to create the report.

Report from Books Table

1.       Select the Report command on the Create tab in the Ribbon, as seen above.
2.       The report is automatically generated and includes every field in the table in order of their appearance in the table. This can be seen in the example below, which was created form the table above.
The layout and formatting of the report can be manipulated in Layout View.

Creating a Report Based on a Query

Access 2007 can create a report using a query as the source, as well. The process for creating a report based on a query is identical to the process for creating a report based on a table that was outlined on the previous page. And just like when making a report from a table, every field and record that appears in the query results will appear on the report.

To Limit the Number of Records in a Report

It is possible to limit the number of records in a report, provided that the report was based on a query. The limit is set in the query itself, using the query design screen. To limit the records returned in a query:

1.       Open the query in Design View
2.       Use the Return option in the Query Setup command group to set the number of records you want to see in the query results and the final report. Return Limit
3.       Click Run! to make sure the query results look like you want the report to look.
4.       Create the report using the Report command on the Create tab
5.       Format the report as desired.

Formatting a Report in Layout View

Access opens the created report in Layout View, so that you can easily make modifications. In Layout View, you can change the look of your report in many different ways, including:
1.       deleting columns and other report elements
2.       moving and resizing columns
3.       adding a logo
4.       changing the title and other text on the report headings
5.       applying a report style with AutoFormat
6.       modifying the page layout

To Delete a Column or Other Report Element

To delete a column or other report element:
1.       Highlight the element by clicking on it.
2.       Hit the Delete button on your keyboard.
To Move a Column or Other Report Element

To move a column or other report element:
1.       Highlight the element by clicking on it.
2.       Drag and drop the element to a new location on the report.

To Re-size a Column or Other Report Element
To re-size a column or other report element:
1.       Highlight the element by clicking on it.
2.       Drag and drop the edge of the element to the new size on the report.

To Add a Logo to the Report
To add a custom picture or company logo to a report:
1.       Click on the Logo command on the Format tab in the Ribbon. Logo Command for Report
When the Insert Picture dialog box opens, find the picture file.m

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