Create Table

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Task: Create Table

B2. Create Tables (sample Assignment 06/07/08)
Open word processing program(startàrunàWinWordàok)

Create new document or open existing document

Click appropriate place

InsertàTable àinsert table

Select required number of columns & rows

Set column width & row Height given instruction

Font size and type, alignment should be done by given instructions

**1.Change table or cells border, style, color

**2.Add table properties

**1.change table or cells border, style, color
Select table or cells

Go to design ribbon

Select line style 

Select line weight

Select pen color

Click border button  (

Click shading color button and apply color

**2.Add table properties (merge cells)
Select cells

Layout ribbon

Click merge tool

**2.Add table properties (split cell)
Select cell

Layoutàsplit cell

Select number of columns & Rows

**2.Add table properties (Alignment)
Select cells

Layout ribbon

Click alignment tool or text direction tool in alignment group

**2.Add table properties (Insert rows or columns)
Select row or column

Go to layout ribbon

Click insert above/insert below or insert left/insert right in the rows & columns group

**2.Add table properties (delete row, column or table)
Select row, column or table

Go to layout ribbon

Click delete tool in rows & column group

click delete row, column or table

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