Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS). You can use store and manipulate large amount of information. Access is an object oriented program. That is everything in access is an object, including the application itself. Each object has properties that define how the object looks and perform.
Relational Database
This is a most common type of DBMS. Data elements are stored in different tables that are made up of rows & columns. It data in different tables through the use of common data elements this is done through primary key & foreign key.
Example of DBMS 
·         Access                                                                        
·         FoxPro          
·         Alpha Five
·         FileMaker Pro
·         Oracle
·         MS SQl
·         DBASE           

A database is an organized of information. A collection of related of related records

A recode is all the information about one person , thing or place. A single recode is contained in one row of the table.
A field is the smallest item of information about a recode.  Each field is displayed In a column of the table.

Advantages of using DBMS
1.      Sharing of Data
2.      Flexible
3.      Data integrity

An entity is a thing that you are storing information about in a data file or database.
E.g. Person , plant, animal, Mineral, etc.

A characteristic or quantity that further describes a particular entity
E. g a person address, height, age, etc.

Details of relationship between different entities

 Primary Key
An attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifiers each rows in a relation employee (Emp No, Emp name, department)

Composite Key
A primary key that consists more than one attribute salary
(Emp No, Emp Name, Emp sal) 

Foreign Key 
A Foreign Key  is set of columns  in one table that serve as the primary key in another table.

An ordered set of pointers to the data in the table.

Type of files
1.      Program  files                        2.Data files

Two commonly used data files
·         Master file -: A files containing relatively permanent records and is generally update periodically

·         Transaction flies  -: A temporary holding files that hold all changes to made to the maters files.


1.      Planning
2.      Crating
3.      Entering data
4.      Editing
5.      Creating forms
6.      Analyzing Data
7.      Creating Reports
8.      Preview & Printing
What Is a Relational Database?
The term database means different things to different people. For many years, in the world of dBase (that is, date BASE, FoxPro, CA-Clipper, and other older database technologies), database was used to describe a collection of fields and records. (Access refers to this type of collection as a table.) In a client/server environment, database refers to all the data, schema, indexes, rules, triggers, and stored procedures associated with a system. In Access terms, a database is a collection of all the tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules that compose a complete sys-tem. Relational refers to concepts based on set theory.
How to start Ms Access

1st Method
1. Click on the Start button
2. Highlight Programs
3. Highlight Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Access 2013
2nd Method
            Double click on the desktop Ms Access shot cut Icon
3rd Method.
3.Type msaccess

How to Exit Access

1st Methord
            1.Click the file tab
            2.Click Exit Access
2nd Methord
            Click the close button on the title bar
3rd Methord

            Press Alt key + F4 key

Create a New Database
To create a new blank database, follow these steps:
1.      Click File tab
2.      Select New
3.      Select Blank Database or Blank Web Database
Select a drive/folder where you will place the database.
5.      Type a filename for the database.
6.      Click the Create button.

Access Main Object

1.      Tables
2.      Queries
3.      Forms
4.      Reports
5.      Macros
6.      modules

The Navigation Pane
To manipulate the Navigation pane:
·         Click the double right –arrows  >> to open it. The arrows change to double left –arrows  <<
·         Click the double left- arrows  << to close it. The arrows change to double right –arrows  >>.
Access Objects
To view or hide the objects on the Navigation pane:
You click the double down –arrows     to view objects. The double down –arrows change to double up-arrows
You click the double up arrows    to  hide objects. The  double up-arrows change to double down –arrows
As stated earlier , the Navigation pane stores the objects in your database : table , queries, forms , reports, macros, and modules.
Objects always display with an icon to the right .Object type:
      Table,    query,    form,    report         macro and          module.

In Access, data is stored in tables. A table is a set of columns and rows, with each column referred to as a field. Each value in a field represents a single type of data. Each row of a table is referred to as a record.

You use queries to retrieve specific data from your database and to answer questions about your data .for example,  you can use a query to find the names of the employees in your database who live in a particular state.

Forms give you the ability to choose the format and arrangement of fields. You can use a form to enter, edit and display data.

Report organize or summarize your data so you can print it or view it on screen. you often use reports when you want to analyze your data or present your data or present your data to others.

Macros give you the ability to automate tasks. You can use a Macros add functionality to a form , report , or control.

Like macros, modules give you the ability to automate tasks and add functionality to a form, report, or control. Macros are created by choosing from a list of macro actions, whereas modules are written in Visual Basic for Applications.  

Close Database
1.      Click File tab
2.      Select close Database

Building a New Table

You can add a new table to an Access 2010 database in several ways: You can design the table from scratch, build the table from a datasheet (a spreadsheet-like format), import the table from another source, or link to an external table.
Building a Table from a Datasheet
Building a table from a datasheet was very limited in earlier versions of Access. With Access 2010, you can do quite a bit while in Datasheet view. To use the datasheet method, follow these steps:
1.      Click Create tab
2.      Select Tables group
3.      Click Table Button
4.      A new datasheet appears,
5.      Select Data type
6.      Type Field Name
7.      Click  table tools
8.      Click field tab
9.      Select properties group
10.  Set  you want field properties
11.  After you have added all the columns and data you want, click the Save button on the    Quick Access toolbar

Create a table using Table Design view
1.      Click Create tab
2.      Select Tables group
Click Table Design  Button
4.      A new Table Design  appears,
5.      Type Field Name in the field name Column
6.      Select Data type
Tab to the Description column and enter a description for the data.
8.      Add field properties using field properties Section
9.      Save table
How to Delete Table
1.      Select Table Name
2.      Click Mouse Right button
3.      Select Delete
4.      Click Yes
How to Rename Table
1.      Select Table Name
2.      Click Mouse Right button
3.      Select Rename
4.      Type New Nmae
How to Save Table
1.      Click file Tab
2.      Select Save
3.      Type Table name
4.      Click ok
How to Change  Table views
1.      Click Home Tab
2.      Select View group
3.      Click view Button
4.      Select Data Sheet  View, Pivot  Table View, Pivot Chart View, Design View

Data Types
Every field has a data type. A field's data type indicates the kind of data that the field stores, such as large amounts of text or attached files.
A data type is a field property, but it differs from other field properties as follows:
*  You set a field's data type in the table design grid
*  A field's data type determines what other properties the field has.
*  You must set a field's data type when you create the field.
1.      Go to  table design grid,
2.      locate the field for which you want to set the data type.
3.      Click the Data Type column,
4.      Choose a data type from the list.
Data type
Use to store
Alphanumeric characters Use for text, or for numbers that are not used in calculations
Up to 255 characters.
Alphanumeric characters (longer than 255 characters in length) or text that uses rich text formatting. Use for text that is more than 255 characters in length
Up to 1 gb of characters, or 2 gb of storage (2 bytes per character), of which you can display 65,535 characters in a control.
Numeric values (integers or fractional values). Use for storing numbers that are used in calculations, except for monetary values (use the Currency data type for monetary values).
1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes, or 16 bytes when used for a replication ID.
Date/ Time
Dates and times. Use for storing date/time values..
8 bytes.
Monetary values. Use for storing monetary values (currency).
8 bytes.
Auto Number
A unique numeric value that Access automatically inserts when a record is added.
4 bytes or 16 bytes when used for replication ID.
Boolean values (yes/no). You can use one of three formats: Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off.
1 bit (8 bits = 1 byte).
OLE Object
OLE objects or other binary data. Use for storing OLE objects from other Microsoft Windows programs.
Up to 1 gigabyte.
Pictures, Images, Binary files, Office files. This is the preferred data type for storing digital images and any type of binary file.
For compressed attachments, 2 gigabytes.
Hyperlinks. Use for storing hyperlinks to provide single-click access to Web pages through a or files through a name in UNC format. You can also link to Access objects stored in a database.
Up to 1 gigabyte of characters, or 2 gigabytes of storage
Lookup Wizard
Not actually a data type; instead, this starts the Lookup Wizard. Use to start the Lookup Wizard so that you can create a field that uses a combo box to look up a value in another table, query, or list of values.
Table or query based: The size of the bound column. Value based: The size of the Text field used to store the value.

Fields that are part of a table relationship are called keys. A key usually consists of one field, but may consist of more than one field. There are two kinds of keys:
Primary key  
A table can have only one primary key. A primary key consists of one or more fields that uniquely identify each record that you store in the table. Often, there is a unique identification number, such as an ID number, a serial number, or a code, that serves as a primary key
Foreign key  A table can also have one or more foreign keys. A foreign key contains values that correspond to values in the primary key of another table
A table relationship, shown in the Relationships window.
A primary key, identified by the key icon next to the field name.
A foreign key — note the absence of the key icon.
How to Add Primary Key
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table
3.      Click table Tools
4.      Select Design Tab
5.      Click tools Group
6.      Select Field name
7.      Click primary Key Button
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table
3.      Select Field name
4.      Click mouse right button
5.      Click primary Key
How to Remove Primary Key
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table
3.      Click table Tools
4.      Select Design Tab
5.      Click tools Group
6.      Select Field name
7.      Click primary Key Button
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table
3.      Select Field name
4.      Click mouse right button
5.      Click primary Key

How to insert row
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table tools
3.      Select Design
4.      Click tools group
5.      Click insert row

How to delete row
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table tools
3.      Select Design
4.      Click tools group
5.      Click delete row

How to insert Column
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table tools
3.      Select Design
4.      Click Add & Delete  group
5.      Click insert Column

How to delete Column
1.      Go to design view
2.      Select Table tools
3.      Select Design
4.      Click Add & Delete  group
5.      Click delete Column

How to change row height
1.      Select Row
2.      Go to design view
3.      Select Table tools
4.      Select Design
5.      Click  record  group
6.      Click row height

How to Change Column width
1.      Select column
2.      Go to design view
3.      Select Table tools
4.      Select Design
5.      Click  record  group
6.      Click Column width

How to hide & Unhide column
1.      Select column
2.      Go to design view
3.      Select Table tools
4.      Select Design
5.      Click  record  group
6.      Click hide & Unhide Column width

Set the Validation Rule Property from Design View
To establish a field-level validation rule (from Design view), follow these steps:
1. Select the desired field name from the top pane of the Design view window.
2. Click the Validation Rule text box in the Field Properties pane.
3. Type the desired validation rule.

Set the Validation Text Property from Design View
To add validation text, follow these steps:
1.      Click the Validation Text text box in the Field Properties pane.
2.      Type the desired text (for example, Age Must be Between 0 and 120).
3.      You can require users of a database to enter a valid value in selected fields when
a.       editing or adding records. For example, you can require a user to enter a date for
b.      each record in an Invoice table.

Use the Lookup Wizard
To use the Lookup Wizard (from Design view), follow these steps:
1.      Select the desired field.
2.      Choose Lookup Wizard as the data type
3.      Select the desired source of the values, and then click Next.
4.      Select the table or query to provide the values, and then click Next.
5.      Double-click the fields that contain the desired values, and then click Next.
6.      Drag the Lookup column to the desired width, and then click Next.
7.      Type a name for the Lookup column, and then click Finish.

Activating the lookup wizard
The Types of Relationships
Three types of relationships can exist between tables in a database:
1.      one to many,
2.      one to one,
3.      many to many.
 Setting up the proper type of relationship between two tables in a database is imperative. The right type of relationship between two tables ensures
• Data integrity
• Optimal performance
• Ease of use in designing system objects
The reasons behind these benefits are covered throughout this hour. Before you can understand the benefits of relationships, though, you must understand the types of relationships available.

One-to-Many Relationships
A one-to-many relationship is by far the most common type of relationship. In a one-to-many relationship, a record in one table can have many related records in another table.

One-to-One Relationships
In a one-to-one relationship, each record in the table on the “one” side of the relationship can have only one matching record in the table on the “many” side of the relationship. This relationship is not common and is used only in special circum- stances. Usually, if you have set up a one-to-one relationship, you should have combined the fields from both tables into one table.

Many-to-Many Relationships
In a many-to-many relationship, records in two tables have matching records. You cannot directly define a many-to-many relationship in Access; you must develop this type of relationship by adding a table called a junction table. You relate the junction table to each of the two tables in one-to-many relationships. For example, with an Orders table and a Products table, each order will probably contain multiple products, and each product is likely to be found on many different orders. The solution is to create a third table, called Order Details. You relate the Order Details table to the Orders table in a one-to-many relationship based on the Order ID field. You relate it to the Products table in a one-to-many relationship based on the Product ID field.


Establish a Relationship between Two Tables
1.      Click database tools tab
2.      Select relationship group
3.      Select relationship
4.      The    Show Table dialog box appears. Select each table you want to relate and click Add. &  Click Close when you are finished.
5.      Click and drag the field from one table to the matching field in the other table.
6.      The Edit Relationships dialog box appears.
7.      Determine whether you want to establish referential integrity and whether you want to cascade update related fields or cascade delete related records by enabling the appropriate check boxes
8.      Click ok button
9.      Save relation ship

How to remove relationship
1.      Click database tools tab
2.      Select relationship group
3.      Click relationship button
4.      Go to relationship window
5.      Select  the line joining the two tables
6.      Click right mouse button
7.      Select Delete

How to Edit relationship
1.      Click database tools tab
2.      Select relationship group
3.      Click relationship button
4.      Go to relation ship window
5.      Select  the line joining the two tables
6.      Click right mouse button
7.      Select Edit
8.      The Edit Relationships dialog box appears.
9.      Determine whether you want to establish referential integrity and whether you want to cascade update related fields or cascade delete related records by enabling the appropriate check boxes
10.  Click ok button
11.  Save relation ship

How to open show Table
 Click relationship tools tab
1.      Click design
2.      Select relationship group
3.      Click show Table  button

normalization rules
Normal Form
An Entity Type Is In 1nf When It Contains No Repeating Groups Of Data.
 An Entity Type Is In 2nf When It Is In 1nf And When All Of Its Non-Key Attributes Are Fully Dependent On Its Primary Key
 An Entity Type Is In 3nf When It Is In 2nf And When All Of Its Attributes Are Directly Dependent On The Primary Key.

Set field properties
1.      Go to  table design grid,
2.      select the field for which you want to set properties.
3.      Go to  the Field Properties pane. & click General Tab
4.      enter the settings that you want for each property,

Field property
Field Size
Set the maximum size for data stored as a Text, Number, or AutoNumber data type.
Customize the way that the field appears by default when displayed or printed.
Decimal Places
Specify the number of decimal places to use when displaying numbers.
New Values
Specify whether an AutoNumber field is incremented or assigned a random value when a new record is added.
Input Mask
Display characters that help to guide data entry. For more information about creating and using an input mask, see the See Also section.
Set the text displayed by default in labels for forms, reports, and queries.
Default Value
Automatically assign a default value to a field when new records are added.
Validation Rule
Supply an expression that must be true whenever you add or change the value in this field.
Validation Text
Enter a message to display when a value violates the expression in the Validation Rule property.
Require that data be entered in a field.
Allow Zero Length
Allow entry (by setting the property's value to Yes) of a zero-length string ("") in a Text or Memo field.
Speed up access to data in this field by creating and using an index.
Unicode Compression
Compress text stored in this field when a small amount of text is stored (< 4,096 characters).
IME Mode
Control conversion of characters in an East Asian version of Windows.
IME Sentence Mode
Control conversion of sentences in an East Asian version of Windows.
Smart Tags
Append Only
Track the history of field values (by setting the property's value to Yes).
Text Format
Choose the property's Rich Text value to store text as HTML and allow rich formatting. Choose the property's Plain Text value to store only unformatted text.
Text Align
Specify the default alignment of text within a control.

Set up data validation rules
Set up a field validation rule and message
1.      Select the field to which you want to add a validation rule.
2.      On the ribbon, click the Fields tab.
3.      In the Field Validation group, click Validation, and then click Field Validation Rule.
4.      The Expression Builder opens.
5.      Use the Expression Builder to create your validation rule. For Help using the Expression Builder, see the article Use the Expression Builder.
6.      In the Field Validation group, click Validation, and then click Field Validation Message.
7.      Type the message that you want to display when input data is not valid, and then click OK.
Examples of Validation Rules
Validation Rule
Validation Text Examples
Please enter a valid Employee ID Number.
“H” or “S” or “Q”
Only H or S or Q codes will be accepted.
Between Date()-365 and Date()+365
Date cannot be later than one year ago today or more than one year from today.
>0 or is Null
Enter a valid ID number or leave blank if not approved.
Between 0 and 9 or is Null
Rating range is 0 through 9 or is blank.
Date must be after today.
Set up a record validation message
You can use a record validation rule to prevent duplicate records, or to require a certain combination of facts about the record are true, such as [Start Date] is greater than January 1, 2010, and less than [End Date]
1.      Open the table to which you want to add a validation rule.
2.      On the ribbon, click the Fields tab.
3.      In the Field Validation group, click Validation, and then click Record Validation Rule.
4.      The Expression Builder opens.
5.      Use the Expression Builder to create your validation rule. For Help using the Expression Builder, see the article Use the Expression Builder.
6.      In the Field Validation group, click Validation, and then click Record Validation Message.
7.      Type the message that you want to display when input data is not valid, and then click OK.
A form is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database application. A "bound" form is one that is directly connected to a data source such as a table or query, and can be used to enter, edit, or display data from that data source.
• Single Form—Allows only one record to be viewed at a time
• Continuous Forms—Displays as many records as will fit within the form window at on time,                presenting each as the detail section of a single form
• Datasheet—Displays the records in a spreadsheet-like format, with the rows representing records and the columns representing fields
• PivotTable—Displays the records in a Microsoft Excel-type pivot table format
• PivotChart—Displays the records in a Microsoft Excel-type pivot chart Format
Create a new form
1.      In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data you want to see on your form.
2.      Click On the Create tab,
3.      Select  in the Forms group,
4.      click Form.
 Create a split form by using the Split Form tool

To create a split form by using the Split Form tool:
1.      In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data that you want on your form. Or open the table or query in Datasheet view.
2.      Click On the Create tab,
3.      Select  in the Forms group
4.      click Split Form.

Create a form that displays multiple records by using the Multiple Items tool
When you create a form by using the Form tool, the form that Access creates displays a single record at a time. If you want a form that displays multiple records but is more customizable than a datasheet, you can use the Multiple Items tool.
1.      In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data you want to see on your form.
2.      Click On the Create tab,
3.      Select  in the Forms group
4.      click More Forms,
5.      click Multiple Items.
Create a form by using the Form Wizard
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select  in the Forms group
3.      Click Form Wizard.
4.      Select Table /Queries
5.      Select field you want on your form
6.      Click next button
7.      Select layout & click next button
8.      Select style & click next button
9.      Type form name & click finish button

Create a form by using the Blank Form tool
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select  in the Forms group
3.      click Blank Form.
4.      Access opens a blank form in Layout view, and displays the Field List pane.
5.      In the Field List pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the table or tables that contain the fields that you want to see on the form.
6.      To add a field to the form, double-click it or drag it onto the form.

Create a form by using the Datasheet
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select  in the Forms group
3.      click More Form.
4.      Click Datasheet button
 Create a form by using the Model  Dialog
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select  in the Forms group
3.      click More Form.
4.      Click Model  Dialog button
How to apply them for form
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Select you want to them
How to Change them-color  for form
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Click  you want to Color group

How to Change them font  for form
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Click  you want to Font
How to apply field list
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select tools group
5.      Click add existing fields
6.      click the plus sign (+) next to the table or tables that contain the fields that you want to see on the form.
7.      To add a field to the form, double-click it or drag it onto the form.

How to add control for forms
Controls let you view and work with data in your database application. The most frequently used control is the text box, but other controls include command buttons, labels, check boxes, and subform/subreport controls.
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select controls  group
5.      Click & add control to form
How to add Header /Footer
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select Header/Footer group
5.     Click  to add a logo, title, or the date and time to the form.
Open a Form
1. Click Forms in the list of objects.
2. Right-click the form you want to open

Delete form
1. Click Forms in the list of objects.
2. Select form
3. Right-click the form you want to delete
4. Click delete

The Command Button Wizard: Programming Without Typing
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Click form tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select controls  group
5.      Click & add control to form
6.      Select operation categories & suitable Action & click Next button
7.      Select text or picture & click Next button
8.     Click finish button

Using a query, you can answer very specific questions about your data that would be difficult to answer by looking at table data directly. You can use queries to filter your data, to perform calculations with your data, and to summarize your data. You can also use queries to automate many data management tasks and to review changes in your data before you commit to those changes.
When you want to review, add, change, or delete data from your database, consider using a query.
Adding Fields to Queries
• You can double-click the name of the field you want to add.
• You can click and drag a single field from the table in the top half of the query window to the query design grid below.
• You can select multiple fields at the same time by using the Shift key (for a contiguous range of fields) or the Ctrl key (for a noncontiguous range). You can double-click the title bar of the field list to select all fields and then click and drag any one of the selected fields to the query design grid.

Removing a Field from the Query Design Grid
To remove a field from the query design grid, follow these steps:
1.  Find the field you want to remove.
2.  Click the column selector (that is, the small horizontal gray button) immediately above the name of the field. The entire column of the query design grid should become black
3.  Press the Delete key or select Delete from the Edit menu. Access removes the field from the query.

How to run query
  1. Click Query Tools Design tab
  2. Select Result tab
  3. Click Run command.
One-Table Queries
To Apply a Simple One-Table Query:
  1. Click  Create tab
  2. Select the Queries group.
  3. Click the Query Design command. Access will switch to Query Design view. In the Show Table dialog box that appears,
  4. Select the table you would like to run a query on.
  5. Click Add,
  6. Click Close.
  7. Double click a field name to add to the query
  8. After you have set query
  9. Click Query Tools Design tab
  10. Select Result tab
  11. Click Run command.
To Hide a Field within a Query: 
  1. Open the query Design View.
  2. Go to show row
  3. Locate the field you would like to hide.
  4. Click the checkbox in the Show: row to uncheck it.
  5. Click Query Tools Design tab
  6. Select Result tab
  7. Click Run command.
To Sort Field within a Query: 
  1. Open the query Design View.
  2. Go to Sort  row
  3. Locate the field you would like to sort
  4. Click the checkbox in the Show: row to uncheck it.
  5. click the drop-down arrow to select either an ascending or descending sort.
  6. Click Query Tools Design tab
  7. Select Result tab
  8. Click Run command.
How to apply criteria
1.      Open the query Design View.
2.      Go to criteria  row
3.      Locate the field you would like to criteria .
4.      Click Query Tools Design tab
5.      Select Result group
6.      Click Run command.
> 234
Returns all numbers greater than 234. To find all numbers less than 234, use < 234.
>= "Callahan"
Returns all records from Callahan through the end of the alphabet.
Between #2/2/2007# And #12/1/2007#
Returns dates from 2-Feb-07 through 1-Dec-07 (ANSI-89). If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard characters, use single quotation marks (') instead of pound signs. Example: Between '2/2/2007' And '12/1/2007'.
Not "Germany"
Finds all records where the exact contents of the field are not exactly equal to "Germany." The criterion will return records that contain characters in addition to "Germany," such as "Germany (euro)" or "Europe (Germany)".
Not "T*"
Finds all records except those beginning with T. If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign (%) instead of the asterisk (*).
Not "*t"
Finds all records that do not end with t. If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign instead of the asterisk.
In a list, finds all records containing Canada or UK.
Like "[A-D]*"
In a Text field, finds all records that start with the letters A through D. If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign instead of the asterisk.
Like "*ar*"
Finds all records that include the letter sequence "ar". If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the percent sign instead of the asterisk.
Like "Maison Dewe?"
Finds all records that begin with "Maison" and that also contain a 5-letter second string in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter is unknown (indicated by a question mark). If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, use the underscore (_) instead of the question mark.
Finds all records for February 2, 2007. If your database uses the ANSI-92 wildcard character set, surround the date with single quotation marks instead of pound signs (#). Example: '2/2/2007'.
< Date() - 30
Returns all dates more than 30 days old.
Returns all records containing today's date.
Between Date() And DateAdd("M", 3, Date())
Returns all records between today's date and three months from today's date.
Is Null
Returns all records that contain a null (blank or undefined) value.
Is Not Null
Returns all records that contain a value.
Returns all records that contain a zero-length string. You use zero-length strings when you need to add a value to a required field, but you don't yet know what that value is. For example, a field may require a fax number, but some of your customers may not have fax machines. In that case, you enter a pair of double quotation marks with no space between them ("") instead of a number.

To Create a Totals Query:
  1. Create or open a query you would like to use as a totals query
  2. Click Query tools
  3. Select In the Query Design tab,
  4. Select  Show/Hide group
  5. Select the Totals command.
  6. A row will be added to the table in the Design Grid, with all values in that row set to Group By. Select the cell in the Total: row of the field you would like to perform a calculation on, and click the drop-down arrow that appears.
  7. Selecting the totals row of the field we want to perform a calculation on
  8. Click Query Tools Design tab
  9. Select Result tab
  10. Click Run command.
 Create and Run a Parameter Query:
  1. Create or open a query you would like to use as a Parameter Query
  2. Go to Criteria  row.
  3. Locate the field or fields that you would like to include variable criteria, and place your cursor in the Criteria: row.
  4. Type the phrase you would like to appear in the prompt that will pop up every time you run your query. Make sure to enclose the phrase in brackets [ ]. For example, [What date?].
  5. Click Query Tools Design tab
  6. Select Result group
  7. Click Run command.

Date Criteria Expressions
Current date
Records the current date within
a field.
The day of a date
Day ([Order Date])=1
Records the order date on the
first day of the month.
The month of a
Month ([Order Date])=1
Records the order date in January.
The year of a date
([Order Date])=1991
Records the order date in 1991.
The weekday of a
([Order Date])=2
Records the order date on a
Between Date
And Date
A range of dates
Between #1/1/95#
and #12/31/95#
Finds all records in 1995.
Date Part(Interval,
A specific part of a
Date Part
(“q”,[Order Date])=2
Finds all records in the second

Updating Query Results
If you haven’t realized it yet, you can usually update the results of a query. This means that if you modify the data in the query output, Access permanently modifies the data in the tables underlying the query.
Update Query table
  1. Create or open a query you would like to use as a update Query
  2. Click Query Tools Design tab
  3. Select  query type group
  4. Click update query
  5. Go to update to row
  6. Select Result tab Locate the field or fields that you would like to include update,
  7. Click Query Tools Design tab
  8. Select Result group
  9. Click Run command.
  10. Click yes for update massage
Make calculations based on your data
  1. Click On the Create tab,
  2. Select  in the Query group,
  3. click Query Design.
  4. In the Show Table dialog box, on the Tables tab, double-click table name
  5. Close the Show Table dialog box.
  6. Apply the you want  to  fields using table.
  7. Go to last column filed In the second column of the grid, right-click the Field row, and then click Zoom on the shortcut menu.
  8. In the Zoom box, type or paste the you want calculation
Subtotal: ([Quantity]*[Unit Price])-([Quantity]*[Unit Price]*[Discount])
9.      Click OK.
  1. On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.
Make query table
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select  in the Query group,
3.      Click Query Design.
4.      In the Show Table dialog box, on the Tables tab, double-click table name
5.      Close the Show Table dialog box.
6.      Apply the you want to fields using table.
7.      Click On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run.
8.      Type table name
9.      Click ok button

Create a crosstab query by using the crosstab query wizard
Using the Crosstab Query Wizard requires that you use a single table or query as the record source for your crosstab query. If a single table does not have all the data that you want to include in your crosstab query, start by creating a select query that returns the data that you want. For more information about creating a select query, refer to the See Also section.

1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select in the query  group,
3.      click Query Wizard.
4.      click Crosstab Query Wizard,
5.      click OK.
6.      The Crosstab Query Wizard starts.
7.      On the first page of the wizard, choose the table or query that you want to use to create a crosstab query.
8.      On the next page, choose the field that contains the values that you want to use as row headings.
9.      You can select up to three fields to use as row headings sources, but the fewer row headings you use, the easier your crosstab datasheet will be to read.
10.  On the next page, choose the field that contains the values that you want to use as column headings.
12.  On the same page, select or clear the Yes, include row sums check box to include or exclude row sums.
13.  On the next page of the wizard, type a name for your query and then specify whether you want to view the results or modify the query design.

Create duplicate value

1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select in the query  group,
3.      click Query Wizard.
4.      click find duplicate query  Wizard,
5.      click OK.
6.      Select table for duplicate value  & click next
7.      Select field might contain duplicate value & click next
8.      Select additional field & click next
9.      Type query name
10.  Click finish

Create unmatched query

1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select in the query  group,
3.      click Query Wizard.
4.      click find duplicate query  Wizard,
5.      click OK.
6.      Select table for query  & click next
7.      Select matching field & click < = > button &  click next
8.      Select field  for query  & click next
9.      Type query name
10.  Click finish

Printing Query Results

It is easy to print query results. Although not as elegant as a printed report, printed query results are often sufficient to meet people’s needs. Here’s how you print query results:
1. Run the query whose results you want to print.
2. Click the File tab.
3. Select Print.
1.      Click Print Preview. The results will appear as in( Figure 3.13)

Closing a Query
You close a query using the close button (the X) in the upper-right corner of the Query Design tab. How Access responds depends on the following three conditions.
• Whether you previously named and saved the query
• Whether you made design changes to the query
• Whether you made changes to the layout of the query while you were in Datasheet view


Report can have the following sections:
1.      Report Header section
2.      Report Footer section
3.      Page Headers section
4.      Page Footers section
5.      detail

Creating Reports

1.      Click  the Create tab
2.      Select the Reports group.
3.      Click the Report wizard command.
4.      Select the Tables/Queries drop-down list box,
5.      Select the fields you want to include from that table.
6.      Select each additional table or query you want to include on the report, selecting the fields you need from each Click Next.
7.      select you how you want to view the data. You           can accept Access’s suggestion or you can choose from any of the available options, Click Next.
8.      Select you want to add any grouping levels. Click Next.
9.      select how you want the records in the report’s Detail section to be sorted
10.  Click the Summary Options button to specify the summary calculations.
11.  Select report layout
12.  type the report  title
13.  Click Finished button

Create label report
1.      Click On the Create tab,
2.      Select in the Reports group,
3.      click Labels button.
4.      Select  the manufacturer and product number of the labels:
a.       Choose the manufacturer in the Filter by manufacturer box.
b.      Select your label in the What label size would you like? box.
c.       Select the Dimensions and Number across columns match your labels.   
5.      Select Sheet feed or Continuous under Label Type and then click Next.
6.      Select the font name, size, weight and text color you want on your label, and click Next.
7.      Select the fields you want on your labels from the Available fields list, and double-click them to add to the Prototype label box. Click next
8.      Select Sort field
9.      Type report name
10.  Click finish button

To Create a Report:  wizard
1.      Open the table or query you would like to use in your report.
2.      Click  the Create tab
3.      Select the Reports group.
4.      Click the Report command.
5.      Access will create a new report based on your object.
6.      It's likely that some of your data will be located on the other side of the page break. To fix this, resize your fields. Simply select a field, then click and drag its edge until the field is the desired size. Repeat with additional fields until all of your fields fit.
7.      To save your report, click the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar. When prompted, type a name for your report and then click OK

Creating Reports
To Create a Report: Report Design
1.      Open the table or query you would like to use in your report.
2.      Click  the Create tab
3.      Select the Reports group.
4.      Click the Report Design command.
5.      Go to report design tools
6.      Select tools group
7.      Click add existing fields
8.      click the plus sign (+) next to the table or tables that contain the fields that you want to see on the report .
9.      To add a field to the Report, double-click it or drag it onto the report

How to apply them for Report
1.      Go to Report design view
2.      Click Report tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Select you want to them
How to Change them-color  for Report
1.      Go to Report design view
2.      Click Report tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Click  you want to Color group

How to Change them font  for Report
1.      Go to Report design view
2.      Click Report tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select themes group
5.      Click  you want to Font
How to apply field list

1.      Go to Report design view
2.      Click Report tools
3.      Select design
4.      Select tools group
5.      Click add existing fields
6.      click the plus sign (+) next to the table or tables that contain the fields that you want to see on the Report.
7.      To add a field to the Report, double-click it or drag it onto the Report.
Deleting Fields
You might find that your report contains some fields you don't really need to view. For instance, our report contains the Zip Code field, which isn't really necessary in a list of orders. Fortunately, you can delete fields in reports without affecting the table or query you got your data from.
To Delete a Field in a Report:
  1. Click any cell in the field you would like to delete.
  2. Press the delete key.
When you delete a field, be sure to delete its header as well. Simply select the header and press the delete key.
Deleting a field header after deleting the related field
 Printing and Saving Reports in Print Preview
To Print a Report:
  1. Click On the Home tab
  2. Click view group
  3. Select Print Preview Your report will be shown as it will appear on the printed page.
  4. If necessary, modify the page size, margin width, and page orientation using the related commands on the Ribbon.
  5. Click the Print command.
  6. The Print dialog box will appear. Set any desired print options, then click OK.

To Export a Report:
1.      On the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the View command and select Print Preview from the drop-down list.
2.      Locate the Data group on the Ribbon.
3.      Select one of the file type options on the Ribbon,
4.      Click More to see options to save your report as a Word or HTML file. 
5.      Save your file.
a.       If you're saving the report as a PDF or XPS file:
6.      Select the location where you wish to save the report.
7.      Place your cursor in the file name text box and type a name for your report if you wish to name it something other than the report title.

Create Macros
1.      Click create tab
2.      Select macros & code
3.      Click macros buttons
4.      Select Action using Action Catalog
5.      Select Action Argument
6.      Save macros using Save button
7.      Select Macro object Click Right mouse button
8.      Click run

Apply Macro for command Button
1.      Go to form design view
2.      Draw command button
3.      Go to property Sheet
4.      Click event Tab
5.      Select you want to event
6.      Click arrow head
7.      Select macro name

Modifying an Existing Macro
1. Select the Macros group on the Navigation Pane.
2. Select the macro you want to modify.
3. Right-click and select Design View.

Deleting Macro Actions
Follow these steps to delete a macro action:
1.      Select  you want to delete macro .
2.      Right-click and select Design View
3.      Click delete

Creating an Embedded Macro
1.      In Design view, click to select the object to which you want to associate the macro (for example, a command button).
2.      Open the Property Sheet.
3.      Click the Event tab of the Property Sheet.
4.      Click within the event to which you want to associate the embedded macro,
5.      Click event is selected.
6.      Click the build button (the ellipse). The Choose Builder dialog box appears
7.      Select Macro Builder and click OK. A Macro Design window appears
8.       Click, indicating that the macro is associated with the On Click event of cmdSayHello.
9.      Enter the macro commands as you would for any macro
10.  Close the Macro Design window. Access prompts you to save changes to the macro and update the property
11.  Click Yes to save your changes and close the dialog box. You have now created the embedded macro.

Exporting to an Excel Spreadsheet
You might want to export table data or query results to an Excel spreadsheet so that you can use Excel’s analytical features. You can accomplish this in many ways. You can export an object by right-clicking it, you can export an object using drag and drop, or you can export it using the External Data tab of the Ribbon.

Exporting to an Excel Spreadsheet Using the Context-Sensitive Menu
To export table data or query results to an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the object you want to export and select Export from the con- text menu. The menu expands to show all of the valid Export formats.
2. Select Excel from the menu. The Export – Excel Spreadsheet dialog appears
Figure  6.4

4. Specify the desired export options
5. Click OK to complete the process.

Exporting to an Excel Spreadsheet Using Drag and Drop
You can export a table or query to Microsoft Excel by dragging and dropping it directly onto an Excel spreadsheet. This whiz-bang technology makes the integration between these two powerful products virtually seamless. Here are the steps involved:

1. Arrange the Access and Excel application windows so that both are visible.
2. Drag the object (that is, the table or query) from the Access Navigation Pane onto the Excel spreadsheet. The results of dragging and dropping the Customers table from the Access Navigation Pane to Microsoft Excel appear in Figure 7.1

Exporting to an Excel Spreadsheet by Using the External Data Tab of the Ribbon
You can use the External Data tab of the Ribbon to export an Access table or query to Microsoft Excel, as follows:
1. Select the object you want to export.
2. Select Excel from the Export group on the External Data tab of the Ribbon. The Export – Excel Spreadsheet dialog appears.
3. Select the destination location and file format, as well as the export options, and click OK. The export process completes.

Import Excel Database
1.      Click external data
2.      Select import & link
3.      Click excel button
4.      Select file name using brows button
5.      Select import sourse data into a new table in the current database
6.      Click ok  The Link Spreadsheet Wizard appears.
7.      Select Show Worksheets or Show Named Ranges, as appropriate, and then click Next.
8.      Click to select First Row Contains Column Headings, if appropriate.
9.      Click Next.
10.  Type a name for the linked table.
11.  Click Finish, and then click OK. An icon associated with the linked table appears

Create a new table by importing or linking to external data
  1. Click On the External Data tab,
  2. Select in the Import group,
  3. click one of the available data sources.
  4. Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes that appear at each step.
5.      Access creates the new table and displays it in the Navigation Pane.
Backup a database
When you backup a database, Access saves and closes objects that are open in Design view and saves a copy of the database file by using a name and location that you specify.
1.      Open the database for which you want to create a backup copy.
2.      Click the File tab.
3.      Click Share.
4.      In the Save Database As area, under Advanced click Back Up Database.
5.      In the Save As dialog box, in the File Name box, review the name for your database backup.
You can change the name if you want, but the default name captures both the name of the original database file and the date that you make the backup.
Tip  When you restore data or objects from a backup, you want to know which database the backup came from and when the backup was created. Therefore, it is usually a good idea to use the default file name.
6. Select which file type you would like the backup database to be saved as from the Save As type list, and then click Save.
SQL- Structured Query Language
The SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table.
Basic syntax of CREATE TABLE statement is as follows:
CREATE TABLE table_name(
   column1 datatype,
   column2 datatype,
   column3 datatype,
   columnN datatype,
   PRIMARY KEY( one or more columns )
   ID   INT              NOT NULL,
   AGE  INT              NOT NULL,
   ADDRESS  CHAR (25) ,
   SALARY   DECIMAL (18, 2),      

The SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to remove a table definition and all data, indexes, triggers, constraints, and permission specifications for that table.


Basic syntax of DROP TABLE statement is as follows:
DROP TABLE table_name;
The SQL INSERT INTO Statement is used to add new rows of data to a table in the database.


There are two basic syntaxes of INSERT INTO statement as follows:
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2, column3,...columnN)]  
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);



VALUES (1, 'Ramesh', 32, 'Ahmedabad', 2000.00 );

SQL SELECT statement is used to fetch the data from a database table which returns data in the form of result table. These result tables are called result-sets.


The basic syntax of SELECT statement is as follows:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table_name;


Following is an example, which would fetch ID, Name and Salary fields of the customers available in CUSTOMERS table:

he SQL WHERE clause is used to specify a condition while fetching the data from single table or joining with multiple tables.


The basic syntax of SELECT statement with WHERE clause is as follows:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE [condition]


Following is an example which would fetch ID, Name and Salary fields from the CUSTOMERS table where salary is greater than 2000:

The AND Operator:

The AND operator allows the existence of multiple conditions in an SQL statement's WHERE clause.


The basic syntax of AND operator with WHERE clause is as follows:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE [condition1] AND [condition2]...AND [conditionN]


WHERE SALARY > 2000 AND age < 25;
This would produce the following result:

The OR Operator:

The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions in an SQL statement's WHERE clause.


The basic syntax of OR operator with WHERE clause is as follows:
SELECT column1, column2, columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE [condition1] OR [condition2]...OR [conditionN]


WHERE SALARY > 2000 OR age < 25;

SQL UPDATE Query is used to modify the existing records in a table.
You can use WHERE clause with UPDATE query to update selected rows otherwise all the rows would be affected.


The basic syntax of UPDATE query with WHERE clause is as follows:
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2...., columnN = valueN
WHERE [condition];
You can combine N number of conditions using AND or OR operators.


SET ADDRESS = 'Pune', SALARY = 1000.00;

The SQL DELETE Query is used to delete the existing records from a table.
You can use WHERE clause with DELETE query to delete selected rows, otherwise all the records would be deleted.


The basic syntax of DELETE query with WHERE clause is as follows:
DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE [condition];
You can combine N number of conditions using AND or OR operators.


Following is an example, which would DELETE a customer, whose ID is 6:
The SQL LIKE clause is used to compare a value to similar values using wildcard operators. There are two wildcards used in conjunction with the LIKE operator:
·         The percent sign (%)
·         The underscore (_)
The percent sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters. The underscore represents a single number or character. The symbols can be used in combinations.


The basic syntax of % and _ is as follows:
SELECT FROM table_name
SELECT FROM table_name
WHERE column LIKE '%XXXX%'
SELECT FROM table_name
SELECT FROM table_name
SELECT FROM table_name
WHERE column LIKE '_XXXX_'
You can combine N number of conditions using AND or OR operators. Here, XXXX could be any numeric or string value

The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on one or more columns. Some database sorts query results in ascending order by default.


The basic syntax of ORDER BY clause is as follows:
SELECT column-list 
FROM table_name 
[WHERE condition] 
[ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC];

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